Forgiveness Practice

Are you holding on to anger, resentment or guilt from your past experiences?

When you’re doing “Thought Detective Work” or Energy Editing ® it is very common that this can bring to your awareness people and things that have happened to you in the past that just aren’t very nice and perhaps that you’re holding on to some sort of anger and resentment towards, or potentially guilt for your own actions. And this is not good. You don’t need this. The exciting thing is that’s it’s totally possible to rid yourself of these negative memories and feelings and the forgiveness practice is the perfect way to start.
For example one of my clients who was taking part in my free 5 day challenge one time had a memory of when she was in primary school and a teacher had told her that she couldn’t be the thing that she wanted to be when she grew up, because she wasn’t clever enough. Until she was prompted with a thought detection question around her purpose she had totally forgotten about what had been said to her.
It’s really powerful when we let go of negative energy that we’re holding onto around these people or experiences and especially ourselves.
You can start to do this through using a really powerful practice, which is called the Forgiveness practice. It’s an old Hawaiian prayer. And it’s called Ho’oh’pono’pono.  Ho’oh means to make and then pono means right and then saying pono twice make’s it doubly right.
Doing this practice helps to cut the connections that you have between these experiences and between these people. There’ll be some people that are still in your life right now and you might have a great relationship with them now, but in the past, things might not have been as good. There might be people that you’ve got in your memory that aren’t in your life anymore, but you’re still quite resentful and angry about what they’ve done to you or guilty of things that you’ve done.
This practice will help you to clear any guilt that you have, and any anger or resentment. There may be people in your life who have not been nice to you in relationships or family members, ex bosses etc. and this can really affect you without you even realising. So holding on to that resentment, that pain, that guilt, that anger is not good for anybody. 
This is the process to help you to start clearing these negative associations and feelings…..
1. Think of the person or the memory and journal your thoughts and feelings around this. Don’t over think it, just wrote down what ever comes into your mind. This can be a very emotional but cathartic process. If it’s coming up for you, this stuff is sitting in your mind all the time even when you don’t realise. As long as you don’t deal with it, it’s just going to sit there and you’re going to be dragging this around with you like a load of baggage that you just don’t need. So it’s really worth just doing this work as painful sometimes as it can be. Crying is good, cry, scream, it’s a really good way to start the release of all this negative stuff. 
2. Think of the person, or yourself or just the memory and say “I’m sorry”, “please forgive me”, “Thank you”. “I love you”. And visualise that the feelings leaving your body. However you want to visualise that happening.
“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”
Just say the words. Trust the process.
With some people, it can feel really hard to do. You might feel like you can’t forgive that person. But if you don’t and you’re hanging on to that resentment and that anger and that fear and that guilt or whatever it is that that feeling is for you you’re the only one that’s suffering. They’re probably just going about their life quite happy totally unaware of how bad your feeling. There might be people that you need to do this for multiple times and that’s OK. It might not fully work the first time because there’s more stuff going on so make it a practice that you do once a week or once a month.
When you’re doing this work self care is really important. So make sure you’re drinking lots of water. You might start to feel a bit woozy a couple of days later once stuff starts clearing because it’s leaving your energy, and it’s all passing through. So just be kind to yourself and just know that it’s all good.

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Energy Editing® is a system for creating rapid change. It gets straight to the heart of an issue by editing the blocks in your energy! These pre-recorded sessions are available for you to access immediately so that you can work through any challenges you may be experiencing right away. In the session I will be giving you numerous Thoughts, Emotions, Fears and Limiting Beliefs to work on and guide you through the process of clearing any stuck energy around them.

Uncover Your Success Blocks 1 to 1 Energy Editing Session

In one hour, I can help you cut through the excuses you’ve been making and we will discover what’s really holding you back and keeping you stuck and physically release those pesky blocks. After the call, you will feel empowered to take inspired action with ease moving you quickly toward achieving your goals. The edits can take up to 4 weeks to process but my clients often notice things clearing a lot sooner click HERE to book in your session.

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