About Michelle Childs

I grew up in the ’80s...

…like other children of my generation, we were taught to go to school, work hard and get a good job.  There was no magic money tree, the only way to success was hard grind.

When I left school I went into an office job but I never fitted in. After a few years of following the predetermined path, I found myself doing quite well. I was in a job I quite liked (although mostly just tolerated)  and was paid enough money to pay the bills with some left over. I even had a company car! To the outside world, I probably looked like I had made it. According to the 80s conditioning, I was living the dream.

But inside I was empty.

I had also felt I was very intuitive. I wasn’t religious but felt connected to the universe and an inner power but I had no idea what to do with this and eventually, with my 80’s programming I just learnt to ignore it.

Everything changed when my first baby was born. Having a child made me realise that I wanted more, not just for myself anymore but for him. I tried to go back into the system and got a job in retail but I could no longer tolerate this way of life. 

I was ready to be bold.

After several failed attempts at different businesses, I struggled to go from an employee mindset to self-employed.

It’s so easy to start and run businesses today with the world wide web, you have access to a global network instantly but for my generation, we might have learnt to use a  smartphone but there is deep programming that keeps us small and in our place.

I self-sabotaged, I found excuses to not take action and I lived in fear that I would fail.

Somehow in all the madness of babies and businesses, I set up a national networking organisation for mums in business called Bizmums. The concept was unique at the time, I had stumbled on a massive gap in the market and I suddenly realised I was not alone. There were so many mum’s out there who wanted more and I was determined to show them it was possible.

 I started to notice that time and time again, the women in Bizmums (who were mostly around my age), had the same problem as me with their conditioning.

I knew to help them and myself I had to go deeper myself and this is when I discovered kinesiology.

I trained in a powerful kinesiology process and something incredible happened.

  • I was able to get to the bottom of my own self-sabotage, understand and love myself deeper than ever before.
  • I realised the power in how I could help those just like me and I started to create rapid transformations for my clients.
  • I reconnected with my spiritual side and learnt how to tune into my intuition I had been programmed to ignore. My power become stronger.

Looking back I can see, becoming a mother started my journey of reprogramming. It’s not hard grind that leads to true success, it’s ease, flow, love and abundance. Life doesn’t have to be so difficult. As women, we can have it all. Not in the traditional sense of working ourselves into the ground and juggling a family but by creating a business that is aligned with our soul and a bank balance to match.

Through my community and my magic, This is what I do. This is my mission.

So what exactly happens in a session? Well the process takes a few moments and in this time I can uncover your subconscious blocks, these might be transmitted as a thought, a feeling or a belief. I ask you then to hold your hand in a specific hand gesture to allow energy flow and focus completely on this block for a few minutes, giving it attention and allowing it to come to the surface (something we don’t normally allow ourselves to do).

We repeat this process, smashing one block at a time at a deep energetic level as you step your way into freedom!

What to do next?

If you know in your heart that you are destined for more but you can’t seem to make that big leap, then your next step is to connect with me today. 

Using the calendar link below book a 15-minute no-obligation chat with me and decide for yourself if my magic is for you. 

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