£99 Energy Release Taster Session

Those unconscious blocks that have been holding you back have been keeping you stuck for years. They are formed over a lifetime of negative thought patterns and can feel like a hard nut to crack. Awareness is always the first step but what next? If you are hungry for real change how can you speed up the releasing process? 

In one hour, I can help you cut through the excuses you’ve been making. I will discover what’s really holding you back and keeping you stuck by using my powerful kinesiology process and then once identified, we can make the magic happen and physically release these pesky blocks. 

After the call, you will feel empowered to take inspired action with ease moving you quickly toward achieving your goals. 

I deliver these powerful magic coaching sessions as part of my coaching packages however, I want to offer you the opportunity to experience this first hand without any long term commitment for just £99 and one hour of your time. We do the session on Zoom so you can be anywhere in the world. 

The edits can take up to 4 weeks to process but my clients often notice things clearing a lot sooner

Book your session and imagine what could be possible if you could get out of your own way, today? 

Learn about how an Energy Editing session helped Helen Pritchard...

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In this session Michelle will help you get clear on your vision and goals and use muscle testing to uncover the subconscious blocks that are holding you back.

During the time we spend together I will help you get super clear on your vision and goals and help you to uncover the subconscious blocks that are holding you back from achieving these

Learn how Energy Editing allowed Lisa Barry to achieve her first "unreaslistic" financial goal...

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